When do we stop growing 'up' and begin to grow 'old'?
Is it when kids expose the obvious generation gap between you and them by addressing you as 'Madam' / 'Sir'?
In my particular case, there was that (aren't kids lovely? - sense the irony there) but most importantly, what the event triggered: acceptance. Admitting to myself that, although I still love doing some of the same things that I did years ago ("but I'm not old! I still like to do what young people do!"), the reasons for doing them couldn't diverge more.
Here is what I'm talking about:
1. Dyeing my hair
'Sunkissed brown', 'golden bronze', 'deep copper'... My hair has seen (and in some cases suffered) a wide range of shades and highlights.
Motivation behind it:
Motivation behind it:
· Before: new looks
· Now: new greys
2. Wearing my headphones on the go
During my daily bus commute, walking around town, at work...My headphones plugged in to walkman (yes, I'm that old) > discman (told you I am!)) > ipod > and now phone.
Motivation behind it:
Motivation behind it:
· Before: listening to brand new hits
· Now: cancel the noise of world - I confess: there times when no music is coming out of them :)
3. Longing for the weekend
All week waiting for Friday, thinking about the free days to come.
Motivation behind it:
All week waiting for Friday, thinking about the free days to come.
Motivation behind it:
· Before: Go out with friends till dawn and go out again the following day.
· Now: Curl up under a blanket on the couch with a good book and a hot tea. My weekend plans are the best!
What makes you feel your age?
What makes you feel your age?